Moving the world with God.

Supporting together.

We support Christian initiatives through financial assistance on a worldwide basis.


Developing together

We send qualified personnel into development cooperation.

Learning together

We shape young people through short-term placements worldwide.


Hilfe für Brüder International


We support Christian initiatives through financial assistance on a worldwide basis.

Supporting together.

Christliche Fachkräfte International, Interns and Senior Professionals


We send qualified personnel into development cooperation.

Co-Workers International


We shape young people through short-term placements worldwide.

Learning together.

Moved by

God's love.

Moved by Godʼs love, we work with Christians all over the world to help people experience faith, hope and love. As Christians, we believe that all people have received gifts from God. All people are called to stand up for Jesus Christ and each other. All people have something to contribute. We can all learn from each other. As Christians, we are all building the worldwide church together.

"Serve one another, each one with the gift which he has received." This verse from 1 Peter invites us to be Coworkers, and to contribute our gifts to the Kingdom of God. Through our prayers and donations. Through our talents and our professional experience. Through our time and creativity. Letʼs co!

About us

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