"Serve one another,
each one with the gift
which he has received."
(1 Peter 4:10)
Moving the world with God.
Our motivation
God has moved towards us in Jesus Christ. This inspires and motivates us. His love is available for all people. That's why we want to let ourselves be moved by Him towards people, so that they also might experience faith, love, and hope. In all this, we know that we can’t change the world. Jesus Christ is the only one who brings change and salvation.
Our approach
Working alongside Christian partner organisations and local churches, our desire is to build the church of Christ worldwide and support overseas development. We place particular importance on being firmly rooted in Godʼs Word and on working together in partnership. Trust in God, courage, reliability, willingness to serve and creativity are values our work is built upon. By taking 1 Peter 4:10 as our guiding verse, we want to express that everyone is gifted by God, and that everyone is called to stand up for Jesus Christʼs name and for each other. We invite people to be Coworkers, contributing their gifts of prayer, donations, professional experience, time and creativity.
Our services and programmes
Through providing financial assistance to local Christians and sending professionals, volunteers and interns, we seek to support, empower and encourage people in their lives and faith. Would you like to be a Coworker, too? Letʼs co!
Authorized Directors of the Board:
Dieter Abrell • Managing Director of ChristusBewegung Lebendige Gemeinde
Rev. Reinhard Holmer • Director of Deaconess Motherhouse Elbingerode
Further Board Members:
Aaron Böhringer • Theology Student • Former Coworkers Volunteer
Sister Friederike Kehnel • Deaconess Motherhouse Aidlingen
Daniel Mattmüller • Liebenzell Mission
Monika Mench • dmg interpersonal e.V.
Rev. Dr. Paul C. Murdoch • Founder and Chairman of AKREF from the IIRF
Rev. Jürgen Sachs • Parish Priest
Rev. Ulrich Schlappa • Retired Parish Priest
Dr. Günther Slesak • Paul-Lechler Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Tübingen • Former Coworkers Professional
The Board makes decisions for the associations. A Management Team is in charge of their implementation and everyday business.
Management Team:
Bernd Lutz (Professionals, Christliche Fachkräfte International e.V.)
Désirée Holzäpfel (Volunteers)
Tobias Köhler (Projects, Hilfe für Brüder International e.V.)
Education partner
Since September 2014 Hilfe für Brüder International e.V. (Coworkers Projects) has been an official partner of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) for the practical part of the course Business Administration for the Service Sector (Non-Profit Organisations, Associations and Foundations) and since 2023 for the practical part of the course Business Administration Service Management with a focus on Media, Sales and Communication in Stuttgart.
Since May 2017, Christliche Fachkräfte International e.V. (Coworkers Professionals) has been an official partner of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) for the pratical part of the course Business Administration for the Service Sector /Non-Profit Organisations of the DHBW in Stuttgart.